Message from the Chair of Governors

Your Governors are a group of people from widely varying backgrounds dedicated to ensuring the best possible education experience for every student attending Alcester Academy. To achieve this we work very closely with, and provide strong strategic leadership to, the Head Teacher, the Senior Leadership Team and all staff. We must ensure accountability and we are intent on driving up the academic performance of pupils. To achieve this we always set out to ensure the best possible use of resources to provide optimum levels of education.

It is important to the Governors that the ethos of the school should be welcoming, inclusive and enjoyable to support the delivery of the highest standards of education.

We always welcome new Governors. You do not need experience within the education sector. Your time commitment is open ended but as a minimum we seek attendance at four meetings per term. Please contact the Chair or the Academy office if you are able to join us.

Mike Dean

Chair of Governors