To be the best that we can be

Alcester Academy is a community school serving the needs of young people in the area. At Alcester Academy we live by our Misson Statement, ‘to be the best that we can be’. 

This is evident in the fact that for the past two years we have featured in the top 5% of schools nationally for the progress we achieve. Our headline maths and English figures continue to rise each year. Results like these cannot be achieved without taking all of our students with us; something we achieve through excellent teaching and personalised support for each individual student. 

Students enjoy learning with us and feel academically and emotionally supported in every aspect of their schooling. The school works hard to provide rich learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom in order to deliver a broad curriculum that prepares the children in our care for the wider world.

Academy Values

The academy works around ten core values in everything that it does. These values try to permeate all of the work across the school community:

Kindness and Compassion  
Fostering supportive and courteous partnerships between students, parents/carers, teachers and the wider community.

Tenacity and Perseverance 
To work hard towards challenges and set high expectations while maintaining effort over adversity.

Honesty and Integrity 
To create a culture of truth and adherence to the school values.

Respect and Tolerance 
Developing a community where we respect and show tolerance of others, the school and the environment.

Curiosity and Creativity 
Instilling a love of learning and a sense of wonder within all members of the learning community.

Alcester Academy Headteacher

During our last Ofsted in January 2022, Inspectors made the following comments:

  • Pupils are proud to attend Alcester Academy. Pupils in all year groups praise the support that they receive. They say that staff ‘go the extra mile’ for them
  • Behaviour in school is exemplary, both in and out of lessons. Pupils say that bullying rarely happens.
  • Leaders have developed a curriculum for pupils that is ambitious and inclusive.
  • The school’s pastoral support is a strength, and something that both pupils and parents really appreciate.
  • Governance of the school is strong. Governors use their excellent knowledge of the school to set and monitor the strategic direction of the school.


Teaching in the academy has been recognised through us winning the TES Maths Team of the Year in 2016. We were also shortlisted in the Art Teacher of the Year category. In addition, the DfE has recognised us as a National Teaching School, able to support other schools wishing to improve. 

We place strong emphasis on delivering high quality pastoral care, leading students to develop a high sense of moral values. We believe that this is very important in developing the next generation of successful adults. There is little point in having examination results if the moral compass is not well aligned.

Parents and the local community

We are always keen to foster positive relationships with parents and the local community and open our academy each Wednesday from 3.30pm until 4.30pm for drop in sessions. At these sessions you can meet members of the leadership team and discuss concerns you may have or just enjoy a coffee and a chat.

We consider the school to be a very special place and this is down to our amazing students, supportive parents and committed staff and Governors.

Partnership with other schools

The academy belongs to an Alliance with four other single academy trusts in South Warwickshire; Alcester Grammar School, King Edward VI School in Stratford upon Avon, Shipston High School and Stratford Girls Grammar School. The aims of this collaboration are set our in a formal Memorandum of Understanding. The specific priorities held by the group of schools for 2023-24 are:

  • To enhance student learning and outcomes by widening access to a greater range of opportunities
  • To increase and extend students’ engagement with other people and experiences to develop their understanding of each other and the world
  • To continuously develop each school’s curricula so that it promotes curiosity and aspiration
  • To enhance our collective extra-curricular and enrichment offering in support of personal development
  • To develop staff by giving access to a creative professional development programme in support of career progression
  • To enhance and develop each school’s provision through researching, sharing and pooling our experience and expertise
  • To increase our capacity to support other schools.

Mrs Sarah Mellors | Headteacher
B.Ed (Hons), CertEd (Special Educational Needs), NPQH