Coronavirus (COVID-19) states:

There are no COVID-19 restrictions in the UK.

If you have COVID-19 you should try to stay at home. states:

What to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19

Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you or your child have symptoms and either

  • have a high temperature
  • do not feel well enough to go to work, school, childcare, or do your normal activities

You can go back to your normal activities when you feel better or do not have a high temperature. 

If your child has mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or mild cough, and they feel well enough, they can go to school or childcare.

What to do if you have tested positive

You are no longer required to do a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test if you have symptoms.

But if you or your child have tested positive for COVID-19

  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for a further 3 days after your positive test if you are under 18 years
  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for a further 5 days after your positive test if you are 18 or over
  • avoid meeting people who are more likely to get seriously ill from viruses, such as people with a weakened immune system, for a further 10 days after your positive test.