Miss Kayleigh Elliott: Lead maths

Ms P Hirji: Lead maths - Maternity Cover 

Mr I Hollis: ELT

Mr R Silvester: Teacher of maths

Mr M Palmieri: Teacher of maths markpalmieri@alcesteracademy.org.uk


Mr A Dallow: Teacher of maths

Miss O Home: Teacher of maths

Mrs K Evason: Associate teacher of maths

Key Stage 3

Curriculum Intent

During key stage 3 we aim to develop a love of the subject by nurturing a sense of curiosity about mathematics. Students will build confidence in their mathematical skills and processes through varied and frequent practice with increasingly demanding problems over time. Students will have the chance to solve problems while covering the national curriculum from a variety of routine and non-routine problems which are correctly differentiated for individual groups.  Students will get to experience the curriculum through a variety of approaches to teaching and learning, including the use of ICT and rich tasks. Throughout the curriculum students will be encouraged to reason mathematically by conjecturing relationships and generalisation while they develop their mathematical language. 

The majority of students will move through the curriculum at the same pace and follow the core strand of learning. Students who need more time to grasp concepts will follow the Support scheme and teachers will only move on when students show a readiness. Students who pick up processes quickly will be challenged through more problem solving to deepen understanding rather than rushing onto new topics.

Curriculum Implementation (see also Long Term Plans)

Key stage 3 maths at Alcester follows a scheme of work that has been put together by maths teachers all over the UK. The curriculum is taught in accordance with the national curriculum and has three strands; Support, Core and Depth. All students follow a core curriculum that is split into ten units per year and covers the main elements of Number, Algebra, Data Handling, Shape, Space and Measure.

The core curriculum focuses on mastering fundamental knowledge, confidence and skills. The support curriculum gives more chance for students to develop number fluency by incorporating a numeracy hour once a week. The third strand of depth will focus more on deepening students understanding of key concepts and problem solving. Students will be taught predominately sets but will have chance during the curriculum to problem solve and compete in mixed ability groups.

Students will be assessed at the end of each half term on the topics taught. As students progress through the year the assessments will continue to test previous learning. Teachers will assess students’ progress during lessons and through homework.

Curriculum Impact
Key stage 3 learners achieve a broad knowledge base and diverse experience that blends into the learning required at key stage 4. Learners are ready for the more demanding content of the 9-1 GCSE and transition easily from ks3 assessments to GCSE assessments.  

Key Stage 4


Curriculum Intent

The KS4 curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of the EDEXCEL maths specification. Students will build on many of the skills that were introduced at KS3. There will be time in lessons to problem solve and reason mathematically. Topics are introduced in an order that reflects students maturity while providing challenge.  During KS4 there is more emphasis on relating mathematical problems to real life situations. Time is also made for students to work on non routine problems in mixed ability settings.

During the final stage of KS4 there is a greater emphasis on exam practise and time is given for each teacher to personally tailor the scheme of work for an individual group.

Curriculum Implementation (see also Long Term Plans)

The curriculum is split into a foundation and higher schemes, with sets 1, 2 and 3 following the higher scheme of work from years 9 to 11.  Set 4 and 5 will follow the foundation scheme of work for years 9 and 10. During year 11 set 4 and 5 will the follow a crossover scheme of work that is targeted towards either higher or foundation.

Lessons will regularly start by recapping previous learning to help recall. Students recall of previous topics is also supported in homework with use of the Eedi quizzing app.

Students will be assessed four times per year. This will include the use of a full set of GCSE papers twice per year during year 9 and 10 to give an accurate progress grade for students. The other assessments will be topic based on what the students have studied. In year 11 students will be given three assessments before their actual GCSE’s.

Curriculum Impact

Whilst creating motivated, mature and thoughtful students of English, results are significantly above the national average. Due to the structure, delivery and quality of our key stage 4 curriculum, we are able to achieve a P8 score of +1.0, with 9-4 at 93%, 9-5 at 75%, and 9-7 at 34%. As a result, a large proportion of our students continue to study maths at KS5.

Long Term Plans & Assessment Plan

Maths LTP Year 7 Support
Maths LTP Year 7 Core
Maths LTP Year 8 Support
Maths LTP Year 8 Core
Maths LTP Year 9 Foundation
Maths LTP Year 9 Higher
Maths LTP Year 10 Foundation 
Maths LTP Year 10 Higher
Maths LTP Year 11

Examples of the kinds of assessments to expect: Maths Assessment Plan