Performing Arts

Mr L Hall:  Lead Performing Arts

Miss S Sacco: Teacher of Performing Arts (Lead MFL)  

Mr R Badham: Associate teacher of Performing Arts

Performing arts curriculum lead

Key Stage 3

Curriculum Intent

We believe Performing Arts at key stage 3 should give pupils the opportunity to explore a wide variety of performance art through many different experiences whilst also learning about the cultural importance both at the time of their inception and in today’s society. We aim to ensure all pupils gain a good understanding of the core values of performing arts and develop pupils’ self-confidence.

Pupils receive one hour of music per week and it is our aim to study a different topic each half term. Within these topics there are opportunities for many different performance skills to be experienced and learnt about. Pupils have the opportunity to extend their skills and understanding in one of the three aspects with unlimited opportunities in lessons and outside of the classroom. This we feel feeds well into the key stage 4 course that has three pathways; drama, dance and musical theatre.    

Curriculum Implementation (see also Long Term Plans)

An overview (brief) of the topics covered and reference to teaching/learning styles i.e group work, independent study

In order to create an enriching experience, long term plans are developed with the intention of teaching many different types of performing arts and approaching them in a variety of different ways. Topics are planned with the intention that they can be accessed by all, with no previous experience necessary. The approaches tend to fall into one of three pathways; acting, dance or musical theatre but are not restricted to these disciplines.    

Performing arts at key stage 3 is assessed continuously as pupils progress throughout each topic developing their understanding, extending their existing skills and gaining new ones. At the end of each topic there is usually an opportunity for pupils to showcase their skills and understanding through a practical performance as well as the use of an ‘assessment book’ to reflect on what they have learnt in a written format. Performing arts uses cloud-based technology to watch and listen to pupils’ performances as well as store pupils’ written responses. 

Curriculum Impact

Key stage 3 learners experience a broad spectrum of different types of performing arts from many different cultures and time periods. They gain skills such as communication, cooperation, concentration, tableaux, mime, narration, circus skills, comedy, stage presence, character development and stage craft. The percentage of students choosing to continue with music fluctuates but is usually between 10 and 20%, well above the national average.

Key Stage 4

BTEC TECH Award Performing Arts Level 1/2 (Edexcel)

Curriculum Intent

The performing arts are a major part of the creative and cultural industries in the UK. Overall, the industry contributes £3.5 billion to the UK economy. There are 5,480 businesses and 101,593 people working in the performing arts sector. Study of this sector at Key Stage 4 will complement GCSE study through providing an opportunity for practical exploration and application alongside conceptual study, leading to strong opportunities to progress post-16. We aim to give our pupils an insight into the performing arts industry and a qualification that gives them the knowledge and skills required to progress to the next stage in becoming a part of it.

Curriculum Implementation (see also Long Term Plans)

The Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. The main focus is on four areas of equal importance, which cover the:

• development of key skills that prove your aptitude in Performing Arts such as reproducing repertoire or responding to stimuli
• process that underpins effective ways of working in the Performing Arts, such as development of ideas, rehearsal and performance
• attitudes that are considered most important in the Performing Arts, including personal management and communication
• knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, process and attitudes in the sector such as roles, responsibilities, performance disciplines and styles.

This Award complements the learning in GCSE programmes such as GCSE Drama and GCSE Dance by broadening experience and skills participation in different type of performance activities with the opportunity to practically apply your knowledge and skills, through project work such as developing ideas and performing for specific audiences.

The three components focus on the assessment of knowledge, skills and practices. These are all essential to developing a basis for progression and, therefore, learners need to achieve all components in order to achieve the qualification. The components are interrelated and they are best seen as part of an integrated whole rather than as totally distinct study areas.

Components 1 and 2 are assessed through internal assessment. Internal assessment for these components has been designed to relate to achievement of application of the conceptual underpinning for the sector through realistic tasks and activities. This style of assessment promotes deep learning through ensuring the connection between knowledge and practice.

There is one external assessment, Component 3 that provides the main synoptic assessment for the qualification. Component 3 builds directly on Components 1 and 2 and enables learning to be brought together and related to a real-life situation. Component 3: Responding to a Brief requires learners to apply performances skills and techniques in response to a brief and stimulus developing group performance workshop for a selected audience.

Study of the qualification as part of Key Stage 4 learning will help learners to make more informed choices for further learning, either generally or in this sector. The choices that learners can make post-16 will depend on their overall level of attainment and their performance in the qualification.

Curriculum Impact

D*-D at 30%, D*-P at 100%

Many of our pupils go on to study Drama at A level or BTEC level 3 in Performing Arts at key stage 5 as our curriculum gives them the motivation and grounding to progress in performing arts and to aspire to work in the industry.

Long Term Plans and Assessment Plan

PA LTP Year 7
PA LTP Year 8
PA LTP Year 9
PA LTP Year 10 
PA LTP Year 11

Examples of the kinds of assessments to expect:  PA Assessment Plan

Performing arts  Teacher
Performing arts
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