Mrs A Kowal: Lead, Religious Studies teacher

Miss S Bayliss: Religious Studies teacher 


Religious Studies at Key Stage 3  

The principal aim of Religious Studies at Key Stage 3 is to engage students in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religions and other worldviews address.  Students are then given opportunities to develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.  

Students will draw on a wide range of subject specific language confidently, learning to use the concepts of religious study to describe the nature of religion. They will understand how beliefs influence the values and lives of individuals and groups, and how religions and worldviews have an impact on wider current affairs. They will appraise the practices and beliefs they study with increasing discernment based on analysis, interpretation and evaluation, developing their capacity to articulate well-reasoned positions. The questions we study are set within the Warwickshire County Council Agreed Syllabus. Students will study Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Judaism; and encounter non-religious worldviews such as Humanism, and other religions and worldviews in thematic units where appropriate. 

In year 7 we consider responses to the following: Does living biblically mean obeying the whole Bible?  Does religion help people to be good? What is so radical about Jesus? Do we need to prove God’s existence? How can people express the spiritual through the arts?    

In year 8 we consider responses to the following: What is good and what is challenging about being a teenaged believer? Should religious buildings be sold? Should happiness be the purpose of life? Is death the end? 

Key Stage 4: GCSE Religious Studies 

Students will study for their GCSE qualification following AQA GCSE Specification A.   

The thematic components studied are Peace, and Conflict; Relationships and Families; Crime and Punishment; and Human Rights.  To enhance learning Year 9 complete their House Competition, taking the form of an all-year debate; the research, preparation, and participation gives valuable opportunities to improve both group work and public speaking skills.   

Students will complete in-depth studies of Christianity and Judaism with consideration of different beliefs and attitudes to religious and non-religious issues in contemporary British society. 

Primary Objectives 

Students will be challenged with questions about belief, values, meaning, and purpose, enabling them to develop their own attitudes towards religious issues.  They will develop analytical and critical thinking skills, the ability to work with abstract ideas, leadership and research skills.  

Religious Studies Long Term Plans & Assessment Plan

Religious Studies LTP Year 7
Religious Studies LTP Year 8
Ethics LTP Year 9
Ethics LTP Year 10

Examples of the kinds of assessments to expect:  RS Assessment Plan