Teaching and Learning Timeline; capturing one school’s journey

Spring 2020
The spring 2020 saw the exciting arrival of a new Director of Studies, Mrs Woodman (SLT) overseeing the Quality of Education and Assessment.  During this period, curriculum overviews were finalised for all subject areas and published for parents to see on our website. This helped to close the loop with parental feedback where many parents had said that they could support children better if they had a greater understanding of what was being taught and how it was assessed. In response to questions raised about the length of curriculum, the school participated in the NFER project around whether KS4 should be a 2 or 3 year programme. This is in conjunction with the Education Endowment Trust. The science team are also running pilot assessments with the EEF for year 9 students. We are excited to see the outcome of both pieces of research. Work towards developing school reports has also begun and we are launching some pilot ‘new look’ reports in the summer in order to gain parental feedback. Thank you to parents who provided this in advance of our developments.

Autumn 2019
All staff will be Level 1 TEEP trained by December 2019 and we are looking forward to a Presentation Evening hosted by Corinne Settle of the SSAT in order to celebrate the huge amount of work completed with this.
Subject Leaders are looking forward to working alongside Educational Consultant, David Turner once more. David will be completing some development work with Middle Leaders and Governors around the new Ofsted Framework.
Tom Walton, Lead Inspector for Ofsted will also be coming in to talk to the whole staff about the new Framework.
Long term plans and curriculum over views have been updated. These are available on the school website.
Our work around metacognition and improving outcomes for boys continues.

Spring 2019

  • Work around TEEP continues across the teaching staff with the continued sharing of good practice through CPD. This has consisted of AfL sessions and IT sessions led by various individuals. TEEP 'families' have been revised and co observations have been established.
  • Teachers have successfully used the 'new look' TEEP lesson plan to aid their work around this pedagogy.
  • Miss Cotterill has successfully been granted TEEP Level 3 and is now recognised to be able to train other colleagues.
  • The Academy welcomed Corinne Settle from the SSAT in order to plan next steps with TEEP.
  • Training for Metacognition continues and one key staff member is working towards this at Shirelands Research School.
  • Academy staff have benefitted from updated Click View training as a superb classroom resource.
  • Further work with primary colleagues continues in the areas of English, maths and inclusion.
  • The Academy continues to be involved with the Shires teaching School.
  • 'Live' monitoring, evaluation and review has continued and is being developed through joint subject learning walks; SLT link with Subject Leader.
  • Learning Walks for literacy have taken place.
  • Several subject areas have been supporting CW10 links and have supported network meetings.
  • Plans are in place for revisiting Curriculum plans in readiness for the new Inspection Framework September 2019. This includes a focus upon wider reading.
  • A new draft Feedback Policy has been launched as a result of student feedback, staff action research and a response to national teacher workload pressures.
  • Ofsted visited. March 2019.

Autumn 2018
TEEP training (Year 2) has begun as follows:

  • Training took place on the first day back for all teaching staff to review last academic year’s progress and look at metacognition (see June updates for Governors).
  • Teaching staff were issued with quality TEEP resources that can be adapted in their own lessons
  • New TEEP families were assembled in order to refresh the approach in Year 2.
  • There is a new focus on co-observation to develop staff further in the area of metacognition. This has to be completed this term.
  • All teaching staff have been asked to complete a lesson plan using the new TEEP template.
  • Hayley Farnell has joined the planning and delivery team. She is L3 TEEP trained.
  • There will be further work with student learning ambassadors in order to begin to measure the impact of these initiatives on the learners in school.
  • The CPD schedule for 2018-19 is largely based around T and L updates in the areas of TEEP, metacognition, questioning, quizzing and action research.

Appraisal 2018-19 has been launched. Teaching staff continue to have three objectives set around student progress and TEEP development. There is a new emphasis this year on ‘action research’ for the third objective and staff have the option to complete a project, or focus on a personalised area linked to their role in school. All UPS 3 staff continue to have a fourth objective based round their whole school responsibility.

There is a greater drive around setting ‘Quizzing’ as homework in the lower school:
Quizzing is designed to help develop the skills needed to be an effective learner. It is an effective revision strategy; it instructs students how to chunk, memorize and recall key elements of learning. This method is extremely useful especially as the new GCSE specifications require an even stronger command of subject-knowledge. Quizzing means that students can revise and master information at home. By ensuring that information is memorized over a longer period of time, rather than in an intense revision session just before an exam, students are developing your ability to retain and effectively recall the knowledge you need to pass exams. Cramming is not an effective tool and it can lead to increased anxiety. Quizzing will hugely reduce the pressure of exams as learning is spread over the years. This method of revision is commonly used by university students as it has proven to be the most beneficial.

The academy welcomes two new staff to the English teaching team; Miss Watton and Miss Hammond. Both members of staff are strong additions to the team. Miss Elliott is now Leader of Maths after Mr Seager adopted a part time role in order to focus more time on Just Maths https://online.justmaths.co.uk/

Miss Bartlett begins a new role within the English team as a higher level teaching assistant with some additional support from Mrs Hands (Librarian). This extra support has helped to map out essential interventions within this core subject.

Key subject staff have been made available to provide intervention for Year 11 students in their core PE lessons.

Miss Wincup continues to have additional responsibility in the area of developing strategies for boys. Presently, she is working on an action research project with several groups.

The academy continues to support avid reading and this is tracked via the Renaissance Accelerated Reader Programme https://www.renaissance.com/products/practice/accelerated-reader-360/

The Humanities teaching team have made a physical transition to the top floor of the tower over the summer. Classrooms are looking vibrant and the staff have embraced these changes very positively.

Several members of staff led some training for others on ‘Mindfulness’ at the end of the summer term. This was received very well indeed and will be developed in future months.

Teaching and Learning Updates 2016-17
Teaching and Learning Updates 2015-16
Teaching and Learning Updates 2013-15