Academy InformationAcademy Information
Performance and ResultsExamination Results GCSE HEADLINES 2024 English and Maths 4+ = 81% English and Maths 5+ = 64% English and Maths 7+ =...
Quality of EducationQuality of Education
Primary SchoolsPrimary Schools Primary Schools Below is a list of the main primary schools who feed into our school:St. Nicholas C of E Primary SchoolDunnington C of E Primary SchoolBidford on Avon Primary...
Post Results ServicePost Results Service Post Results Service The JCQ Post Results Services booklet can be found hereAlcester Academy is required by the JCQ to have in place an Internal Appeals...
Post 16 LinksPost 16 Links Post 16 Links Here is a list of the Post 16 establishments which provide further education to the majority of our students:Sixth Forms & CollegesAlcester Grammar SchoolSt...
Policies & StatementsPolicies, Statements & Documentation PoliciesAcceptable Use Agreements of the Academy’s ICT facilities and InternetAccess Arrangements PolicyAccessibility PolicyAdmissions Policy...
Physical EducationPhysical Education Mr P Moffatt: Head of L Nash: Teacher of K Buckthorp: PE Teacher and Assistant...
Personal Development CurriculumPersonal Development Curriculum Personal Development CurriculumPersonal Development Programme 2024-2025 ...
Personal DevelopmentPersonal Development Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare Information Our Learning Support Unit (LSU) is located within the Academy near to the main school reception.The LSU is in this...
Performing ArtsPerforming Arts Performing ArtsMr L Hall: Lead Performing S Sacco: Teacher of Performing Arts (Lead...
PE Activities & FixturesPE Activities & Fixtures PE Activities & FixturesThe most up-to-date information is posted in the Bulletin.
Religious StudiesReligious Studies Mrs A Kowal: Lead, Religious Studies S Bayliss: Religious Studies teacher ...
Parent ForumParent Forum Parent Forum There are a number of Parent Forum meetings during the academic year. The meetings run early evening. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Please email...
OptionsOptions OptionsYear 8 Options Assembly 23.4.24 - the PPT presentationOptions Evening 2023 - the PPT presentation
Online SafetyOnline Safety Online SafetyOnline Safety Bulletin - 6th December 2024Online Safety Bulletin - 21st June 2024OSA Parental Course - Online SafetyThe internet offers a wealth of opportunities for our...
Ofsted & Parent ViewOfsted & Parent View Ofsted Alcester Academy activity, reports and ratingsFull Inspection 19th Jan 2022 Short Inspection 13th March 2019To view the inspections visit Alcester Academy...
NumeracyNumeracy Numeracy means many different things to different people. Some see numeracy as the foundation of mathematics, the concepts learnt in school and necessary for understanding more advanced...
NewslettersNewsletters NewslettersDecember 2017 March 2018 Summer 2018 Christmas 2018 Easter 2019 Summer 2019 Christmas 2019
MusicMusic Mr L Hall: Lead R Badham: Associate teacher of School Music Development Plan SummaryKey Stage 3 Curriculum...
Mission StatementMission Statement Our Mission StatementAlcester Academy provides an outstanding education through the delivery of a high quality, diverse curriculum which allows all of our students to fulfil...
Regulations & GuidanceRegulations & Guidance Regulations & Guidance The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) regulates all our external qualifications; their website outlines their role and responsibility –...
Revision Guides & TechniquesRevision Guides & Techniques Revision Guides & Techniques The Super Six BookletSources of Subject RevisionPersonal Revision TimetableVAK ParentsParent Forum - Wednesday 6th November 2024 -...
Message from the Chair of GovernorsMessage from the Chair of Governors Message from the Chair of GovernorsYour Governors are a group of people from widely varying backgrounds dedicated to ensuring the best possible education...
TimelineTeaching and Learning Timeline Teaching and Learning Timeline; capturing one school’s journeySpring 2020The spring 2020 saw the exciting arrival of a new Director of Studies, Mrs Woodman (SLT)...
Year 11 Alternative TimetableYear 11 Alternative Timetable Year 11 Alternative TimetablePlease note that the alternative timetable will be released at the start of the summer term for year 11s to view.
X & FacebookX & Facebook X & FacebookFollow us on X: us on Facebook: Teaching and Learning...
Why be a Governor?Why be a Governor Why be a Governor? Becoming a governor can be very rewarding. It gives an opportunity to serve the local community and make a real difference to how a school runs. It is a good...
Where can I find my child's work?Where can I find my child's work? Where can I find my child's work?We understand that parents and carers will want to access their child's classwork and homework from time to time. Below is a...
WellbeingWellbeing WellbeingOne of our Alcester pupils created a poem for World Mental Health Day - Tuesday 10th October 2023. Please take a look:Alcester Academy World Mental Health Day ...
Welcome by the HeadWelcome by the Head To be the best that we can beAlcester Academy is a community school serving the needs of young people in the area. At Alcester Academy we live by our Misson Statement, ‘to be...
VacanciesVacancies Staff VacanciesAll vacancies require the same application form, select the format from the links below.Alcester Academy is happy to accept electronic applications provided they...
Useful Parent LinksUseful Parent Links Useful Parent LinksThe following links may be of use to parents/carers:Support for Finances:Cost of Living Advice: Cost of Living – Cost of Living...
UniformUniform Uniform At Alcester Academy we are proud of our standards of school uniform that are the result of a high degree of co-operation between parents/carers, students and the school. We...
Train to TeachTrain to Teach Train to Teach Shires Teaching Alliance
Term DatesTerm Dates Term and Holiday Dates AUTUMN TERM 2024School closed Monday 2 September - Teacher training dayAutumn...
RewardsRewards Rewards Alcester Academy uses Epraise to celebrate and reward students every day. Students can achieve points for participation and contribution in class, excellent classwork and...
Teaching, Learning & AssessmentTeaching, Learning & Assessment Staff TrainingThe academy prides itself on providing the best possible learning experience for all of its students. This is achieved through a commitment to...
Support OrganisationsSupport Organisations Support Organisations The following organisations may be of use to parents/carers:Support for Bereavement: Guy's GiftChild Bereavement UKWarwickshire County Council -...
SubjectsSubjects Subjects
Staffing at Alcester AcademyStaffing Staffing Staffing Structure
Special Educational Needs & DisabilitiesSpecial Educational Needs & Disabilities Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Alcester Academy has a strong commitment to supporting all students....
ScienceScience Mrs D Marshall: Subject N Taylor: Second in A Bush: Teacher of science (PT) and...
School MapSchool Map School MapMap of Alcester Academy
School Day TimesSchool Day Times The School Day4:1 Normal School Day8.48am Warning Bell8.50am – 9.10am Tutor Time9.10am – 10.10am Period 110.10am – 11.10am Period 211.10am – 11.35am Break11.35am –...
Saturday SchoolSaturday School Saturday School 2024-25Please note that our Autumn term year 11 Saturday school offer is now complete. Further Saturday dates will be confirmed for early March which will then be...
SafeguardingSafeguarding Safeguarding Our duty to safeguard our studentsUnder the Education Act 2002 (Section 175 for maintained schools/Section 157 for academies/free/independent schools), schools must make...
MFLMFL Mrs Z Weatherley: Subject Lead for J Heitmuller: KS3 and KS4 German and A Gruszczynska:...
MathsMaths Miss Kayleigh Elliott: Lead P Hirji: Lead maths - Maternity Cover I Hollis:...
Additional Learning OpportunitiesAdditional Learning Opportunities Additional Learning Opportunities Alcester Academy works incredibly hard at making sure that every student can ‘be the best that they can be’, either...
Bulletin Archive 2022-2023Bulletin Archive 2022-2023 Bulletin Back Issues 21st July 202314th July 20237th July 202330th June 202323rd June 202316th June 20239th June 202326th May 202319th May 202312th May 20235th May...
Design TechnologyDesign Technology Design Technology Mr J Yarrington: A Wincup: Teacher of Design Technology, KS4 Textiles, KS4 Wood, KS4 Hospitality &...
Curriculum ContactsCurriculum Contacts Senior Leadership Team Headteacher:Mrs Sarah Deputy Head -Teaching & Learning:Mr N
CurriculumCurriculum Whole School Intent, Implementation & Impact CurriculumWhole School Intent, Implementation & ImpactMission Statement Alcester Academy will become an outstanding...
Coronavirus (COVID-19)Covid-19 Coronavirus (COVID-19) states:There are no COVID-19 restrictions in the UK.If you have COVID-19 you should try to stay at...
ContactsGet in Touch Contact Us If you would like to email the Academy, please use the form below.Once the email arrives, it will be forwarded to the requested member of staff or to the necessary...
CommunicationsCommunications Letters Home to Parents and CarersYear 11 Updates letter - 28th January 2025Year 11 Revision Timetable - 28th January 2025Year 11 Exam letter - 18th November 2024Road Safety letter...
CharitiesCharities CharitiesWhy not raise money for the Academy from the comfort of your armchair? We have just launched the Alcester Academy Next Generation Fund.You can help us to give every student the...
Careers/Post 16Careers/Post 16 Careers Education at Alcester Academy Careers Advisor: Miss S BartlettEmail: 01789 762285 Careers PolicyCareers...
BullyingBullying BullyingIf you have friendship issues or feel that you are being bullied: What can you do?Speak to your...
Bulletin Archive 2023-2024Bulletin Archive 2023-2024 Bulletin Archive 2023-202419th July 202412th July 20245th July 202428th June 202421st June 2024 - Online Safety Bulletin with OSA's online safety training booklet14th...
Bulletin Archive 2021-2022Bulletin Archive 2021-2022 BulletinBack Issues 2021-202215th July 20228th July 20221st July 202224th June 202217th June 202210th June 202227th May 202220th May 202213th May 20226th May 202229th...
Dining at Alcester AcademyDining at Alcester Academy Dining at Alcester AcademyCould your child be eligible for extra help?Do you receive any of the following payments?Income Support, income-based Job...
Bulletin Archive 2020-2021Bulletin Archive 2020-2021 Bulletin 2020-202116th July 20219th July 20212nd July 202125th June 202118th June 202111th June 202128th May 202121st May 202114th May 20217th May 202130th April...
BulletinBulletin Bulletin14th February 20257th February 202531st January 202524th January 202517th January 202510th January 202520th December 202413th December 20246th December 202429th November...
Board of GovernorsBoard of Governors Board of Governors Board of Governors - September 2024
Behaviour for LearningBehaviour for Learning Behaviour for LearningBehaviour for Learning PaletteTutor Time Non-Negotiables
AttendanceAttendance AttendanceReporting AbsencesParents must report any absence from school including medical appointments requiring absence, and any Covid related ill health leading to absence, to the...
AssessmentAssessment AssessmentParent Forum - Thursday 11th January 2024 - Recording of the KS3 Assessment sessionStudents are continuously assessed throughout their time in the academy. This involves the...
Art & DesignArt & Design Art & DesignMr J Yarrington: Lead. Teacher of KS3 Art and KS4 Fine O Nemeshanyi: Teacher of KS3 Art, KS4 Fine Art and...
Alliance InformationAlliance Information Alliance Information Alcester Academy is proud to be a founding member of an ambitious alliance of five schools. Alcester Academy, Alcester Grammar School, King Edward VI...
Alcester Rock Academy Alcester Rock Academy Alcester Rock Academy Alcester Rock Academy is a unique opportunity for guitarists, bassists, drummers and vocalists to get together and learn to play in a band under the...
AdmissionsAdmissions AdmissionsThe academy fully adopt the Warwickshire Local Authority policy on admissions. You can view the Warwickshire admissions information...
Diary DatesDiary Dates Diary DatesParents' Evenings & Parents' Forum (Accurate at time of publishing on website - September 2024)Key dates for your diary:Monday 9th September 2024 - School...
Duke of EdinburghDuke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Duke of Edinburgh What is the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme?DofE is a balance programme of activities which develops the mind, body and soul in a non-competitive...
Home Safeguarding Children over Half Term If you have concerns that a child is suffering any form of abuse, neglect or cruelty contact the Warwickshire Children and Families Front Door (Front...
Life at Alcester AcademyLife at Alcester Academy
KS4 Subjects and Exam Boards KS4 Subjects and Exam Boards KS4 Subjects and Exam Boards OfferedKS4 Subjects and Exams Boards 2024-25
JournalTeaching and Learning Journal Teaching and Learning JournalTeaching & Learning Journal December 2018Teaching & Learning Journal Easter 2019Teaching & Learning Journal Spring 2020...
IT SupportIT Support IT SupportThe school is supported with all matters related to IT by Concero have an on-site IT technician throughout the school day that can help to...
Internal ExaminationsInternal Examinations 2024/25 Internal Examinations Year 8 – 11 sit their internal exams in the main exam hall and they are run under the same conditions as external exams. This ensures that all...
Information for prospective parentsInformation for prospective parents Open Events 2024 Open Evening Presentation - Thursday 26 September 2024 School MapView our examination headlines hereView our...
ICT & Computer ScienceICT & Computer Science Mr P Anderson: Subject Lead for ICT & Computer M Martin: Teacher for ICT & Computer...
HumanitiesHumanities Mrs H Sandells: Lead, Teacher of KS3 Geography and KS4 Mr G Rossiter: Lead, Teacher of KS3 History and Geography and KS4...
HomeworkHomework Homework Aim of PolicyPurpose and definition of HomeworkLearning at home is an essential part of good education. Regular homework is important, since it serves as an intellectual...
History of AlcesterHistory of Alcester History of Alcester and the surrounding area Alcester is an ancient Roman town in a beautiful part of south-west Warwickshire, England with a population of around 9000. There...
E-SafetyE-Safety at Alcester Academy E-Safety at Alcester Academy Links:Internet MattersThink U KnowBe Cyber Safe Warwickshire NSPCC Parents guides to:...
Governors' Information and DutiesGovernors' Information and Duties Governors' Information and Duties Governing Body of Alcester AcademyFor latest Governors, please see Get Information About Schools, by clicking here.Register...
Google Training RoomGoogle Training Room Google Training RoomWelcome to the Google Training Room where we will post tutorial videos and other resources to aid you as a parent/carer to help your son/daughter navigate...
Friends of Alcester AcademyFriends of Alcester Academy Friends of Alcester Academy You can contact FOAA by using this email address Friends are a group of parents, staff and other...
Extra CurricularExtra Curricular
External ExaminationsExternal Examinations The Summer 2024 external examination timetable has been published. Final Summer 2024 External Exam Timetable Individual exam timetables will be given to students in...
Examinations Examinations External ExaminationsRegulations & GuidanceInternal ExaminationsPost Results ServiceRevision Guides & Techniques KS4 Subjects and Course Codes 2024-25
Ethos & ValuesEthos & Values Ethos & Values Alcester Academy provides a high quality curriculum, which allows all of our students to fulfil their academic potential. We achieve this through high quality...
English & LRCEnglish & LRC EnglishMrs V McCracken: Lead J Scott: Teacher of English and Lead J Lee: Teacher of...
Emergency School ClosuresEmergency School Closures Emergency School Closures In the event of an emergency closure (e.g. bad weather overnight) all parents registered for School Comms will receive a text message as soon as...
Year 6 to 7 TransitionYear 6 to 7 Transition Year 6 to 7 Transition 2024Alcester Academy 360° Tour At the Tutor Evening in October 2022 our year 7 parents said:‘Alcester Academy have been fantastic with both...
Half TermDrag and drop content snippets into this editor area to start making your page... Click the grey arrow on the right to open the snippets library, then stack snippets down the page to make layouts...
Back to schoolBack to school - Monday 24th February 2025
Spring Term ends (Easter) Spring Term ends (Easter) - Friday 11th April 2025 at 12.40pm
Summer Term begins Summer Term begins Monday 28th April 2025